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Excellence In Care

At Adelaide Respiratory, we are dedicated to providing a comprehensive and adept management of our patient’s respiratory and sleep conditions. 

Excellence In Care

At Adelaide Respiratory, we are dedicated to providing a comprehensive and adept management of our patient’s respiratory and sleep conditions. 

Expert In The Field

Our specialists have expertise in all fields of respiratory and sleep medicine.

In-house Testing

We provide a variety of in-house pulmonary function testing including spirometry, diffusion capacity and plethysmography, 6-minute walk test and provocation testing.

Respiratory Assessment

We offer evaluation of common undifferentiated respiratory symptoms such as chronic cough, shortness of breath and chest pain.

World-Class Facilities

Adelaide Respiratory is associated with the new Calvary Adelaide Hospital and have access to inpatient care and bronchoscopy suites.

Your Health. Our Priority.

Specialist Care

Adelaide Respiratory provides specialist care in all fields of respiratory medicine, including airways disease (Bronchitis/Bronchiectasis, COPD, Emphysema, and Asthma), Interstitial Lung Disease, lung cancer and pleural disease.

Excellence In Care

Respiratory Medicine

Adelaide Respiratory provides specialist care. 

Our consultants have specialist training in interventional procedures such as bronchoscopy, thoracic ultrasound and chest drains.

Sleep Medicine

Assessment of complex sleep related disorders, including obstructive/central sleep apnoea, parasomnias, restless leg syndrome, periodic limb movement disorder and narcolepsy, via arrangement of ambulatory (home-based) or monitored sleep studies.

Pulmonary Function Testing

Consists of a variety of specialized tests designed to provide a quantitative assessment of your lung function (how well your lungs transfer oxygen to your blood). They are performed in the clinic and usually take 30-45 minutes.

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